That is exactly how I feel; Lost & Found .... or maybe it is Happy & Sad? Our homeschooling journey began about a year and a half ago. We became homeschoolers in part out of curiosity and part out of need. For kindergarten our son went to an amazing private school which we loved, but could not afford on one income. With a new baby at home we knew that we were going to have to have financial aid, which is what we told the said private school.
We were given financial aid for kindergarten and I spent every moment I could volunteering for the school. With my little baby girl on my back I even set up a book fair. Long story short the administration changed during our first year and we were not given financial aide for the second year. As it would happen we found this out in the middle of the summer and were left with little options in the way of schools that late in the game. So we decided to try our hands at homeschooling.
Luckily for us Chicago has an amazing homeschooling community. (which we took full advantage of) Tons of great classes and wonderful people all supporting each other in homeschooling there children.
Fast forward to this past September when we moved to California.... It became apparent rather quickly that our little girl really wanted to go to school. Our move left us with in a new state with no playdates and poor Gab missed her friends. We found an amazing preschool and began to learn about Parent Participation schools. We mentioned that we were toying with the idea of school for Theo and Gab's teach suggested the elementary parent participation school, her kids went too.
Theo had begun to ask about maybe, possibly going to school again. He too was missing his friends back in Chicago and we were having trouble finding other homeschoolers here. But what kind of school would welcome a former homeschooling family with open arms? And Theo had never been to a "normal" school would it be fair to just send him to a school and see what would happen. (no way we are so not that kind of family)
Both Gab and Theo also began taking gymnastics classes in hopes of meeting new people and of course they also wanted to learn gymnastics. After the first class Theo had made a couple of new friends and couldn't wait for the next class! Gab had a great time also. During the second class I was chatting with another mom of one of Theo's classmates, she suggested the same school Gab's teacher suggested. I was starting to see a pattern forming ... people we like, like this school. We decided to check it out for ourselves.
Love at first site is a good way of characterizing our experience. Both my husband I fell in love with this school. It just felt right. So after a few weeks and much anticipation today was Theo's first day at his new school.
Luckily for us Chicago has an amazing homeschooling community. (which we took full advantage of) Tons of great classes and wonderful people all supporting each other in homeschooling there children.
Fast forward to this past September when we moved to California.... It became apparent rather quickly that our little girl really wanted to go to school. Our move left us with in a new state with no playdates and poor Gab missed her friends. We found an amazing preschool and began to learn about Parent Participation schools. We mentioned that we were toying with the idea of school for Theo and Gab's teach suggested the elementary parent participation school, her kids went too.
Theo had begun to ask about maybe, possibly going to school again. He too was missing his friends back in Chicago and we were having trouble finding other homeschoolers here. But what kind of school would welcome a former homeschooling family with open arms? And Theo had never been to a "normal" school would it be fair to just send him to a school and see what would happen. (no way we are so not that kind of family)
Both Gab and Theo also began taking gymnastics classes in hopes of meeting new people and of course they also wanted to learn gymnastics. After the first class Theo had made a couple of new friends and couldn't wait for the next class! Gab had a great time also. During the second class I was chatting with another mom of one of Theo's classmates, she suggested the same school Gab's teacher suggested. I was starting to see a pattern forming ... people we like, like this school. We decided to check it out for ourselves.
Love at first site is a good way of characterizing our experience. Both my husband I fell in love with this school. It just felt right. So after a few weeks and much anticipation today was Theo's first day at his new school.
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